2011년 1월 11일 화요일

#2 story

         < After watching spring summer fall winter.>

   In these days people , including me doesn't know the importance and bad things of killing animals. This movie is giving us  a message about animals should be protected and also we should not play with animals just for fun.
   This movie starts with 2 monks which is a master and a child who learns from the master. The child spirls a spring around body of the animal and put a rock on it and relaesed them. Because of that the animals couldn't move easiely and some of them were dead. The master saw that and on the next morning he does the same thing as the child did to the animals, and said to untie the string from the animals. Some of them were dead and the child was sad. He cried and cried and thought not to play with animals.
   So, this is the method of the master. His method is to feel as others. Everybody can learn in their heart with using this method. Its a short and strong method to develop yourself.But, in these days, most of the parents, use violence and use bad words and finish their punishment. This just leads to anger and disappointment and revenge.
   However there are some sideeffects of this method. One thing is that this could be dangerous. For example the young monk had to put a stone on his body and move. How will you feel and how much pain will come out? Also, we need to use money to make the same situation. It's actually hard to make the bad situation again.
   In conclusion, the master's method can have great impact but, also many disadvantages occur in the same ime.


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