2011년 1월 12일 수요일

#6 story

King Sejong and President Lincoln are thought of as great leaders in their own countries
Today we are going to talk about some of the Similarities between these two great men.

<King Sejong>

< Brief summary about King Sejong >
-Expanded and protected Korean territory
-Chose great generals.
-Fought Japanese pirates and 
    Manchurian nomads.
-Made changes to the military.
-Made Korea stronger and safer
< mistake of King Sejong >
-Though a Buddhist, he put limitations on the number of monks and temples.
-Some monks had to leave Seoul.
-Many people were unhappy with this.
< achievement of King Sejong>
-Created Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet.
-Helped the creation of many new inventions, like a farmers handbook, a water clock, and a sundial.
<Lasting effect>
-Tomb in Yeoju.
-Korean 10,000 won bill.

 <president Lincoln>

<brief summary of president Lincoln>
-Chose great generals.
-Convinced the parties to work together.
-Planned strategies that won the Civil War.
-Kept the U.S.A. from splitting apart.
<mistake of president Lincoln>
-Many people in the south made money from slavery. Lincoln wanted to end it.
<achievement of president Lincoln>
-Created schools
for farmers.
-Started the railway that connected bothsides of thecountry.
<Lasting effect>
-Monument in Washington
-American 5 dollar bill.
President Lincoln – “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
King Sejong – “If the people prosper, how can the king not prosper with them? And if the people do not prosper, how may the king prosper without them?”

King Sejong and President Lincoln have been gone for a long time but they will always be remembered by the people in their country.

댓글 1개:

  1. It was a very interesting speech
    Very creative comparing King Sejong and President Lincoln
