2011년 1월 25일 화요일

My story #13

                  About our class studying. Our class is  very happy everyday 

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

My story # 12

                                         HIstory Presentation

                                       Spanish Justice System

                                                                                                          written by JJH

Hello, I am 정재홍 in 23class. Today I am going to talk about the justice system of Spain in the middle ages. Spain's rule was made by kings or priests which had divided powers. Legislation ,jurisdiction, administration. So, they could control the country by them self as Louis the 14th said " L'État, c'est moi "(레따 쎄 므와). My speech is divided into 5 parts which is the introduction, the root of Spanish justice system, the punishment of justice system, the comparison b/w the middle ages and after the middle ages, the roles of the king or priest which were judges of the court and I'll end up with my conclusion.
The root of Spain's justice system in the middle ages were related to god and nature. The economy, religon, culture even the laws were all related to god. As with all medieval kingdoms, supreme power was understood to live in the monarch "by the grace of God," as the legal method have been explained.deal with everyday problems. Over time, these assemblies evolved into municipal councils, known as variously as ayuntamientos or cabildos, in which some of the inhabitants, the property-owning heads of households , represented the rest. By the fourteenth century these councils had gained more powers, such as the right to elect public judges and officers and representatives to the Cortes. Due to the increasing power of the public councils and the need for communication between these and the King, cortes were established in the Kingdom of León in 1188, and in Castile in 1250. In the earliest Leonese and Castilian Cortes, the people of the cities (known as "laboratores") formed a small group of the representatives and had no judicial powers, but they were a link between the king and the general population, something that was made by the kingdoms of Castile and León. Eventually the representatives of the cities gained the right to vote in the Cortes, often allying with the monarchs against the great noble lords. In conclusion, country side and urban communities began to form groups to issue rules. So, I think this was simmilar to democracy.
So, in Spain what was the most punishment after the judge? Guess it. The most common thing was a trial by combat. According to wikipedia trial by combat was the most commonly used in UK but, it also was happening in Spain too. The most trial by combat were used in the middle ages. Another punishment was hanging. It was executed where many people could see. In other words we can call it death penalty. This also occurred a lot in the middle ages.Capital crimes included murder, highway robbery, theft over a shilling, rioting(폭동), forgery*(위조제) and arson.
Today's Criminal Justice System is very different from the past. Lawbreakers are still made accountable for their actions, but they're treated with humanity, punished proportionately for the crimes they've committed and given the chance to reform. On the other hand, at the past Spain was very strict, with nothing to say they become a criminal, but, it's quite unfair because the people in high levels such as a priest and royalty people become exempted of the crime.
In conclusion I think Spain's justice system was very strict and also quite unfair. Any way the laws of Spain were structured and had no mercy.

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

#10 story

              An  Ode

The headstones yield their names to the element,
The wind whirrs without recollection
The sun shines without source,
The life cycles and cycles around

          An  Alliteration
Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore
He had happily held her honey hands
She is sane but sought silly signs

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

#10 story

                                           Wacky Web Tales

juen young and I decided to try out the newest sport at 이대부속. It's called fast baseball. The object of the game is to kick a(n) fast baseball all the way to the end of the field. Every time you do, the fans yell “!” and you get 160 points. The person with the most points wins.
juen young started and kicked the baseball halfway down the field. What a shot! Then it was my turn. I picked up the baseball, took aim, and missed completely. I felt so good! I tried again, and this time I kicked the baseball all the way to the end of the field. The fans in the stands hollered “!” I won the game!
Now I am the champion of 이대부속! I didn't want juen young to feel badly, so I treated juen young to a trip to vips for a(n) burgers sundae with water on top!


#7 story

Dear baseball
I want to be fast as you 100 mile per hour.
I want to have a compact like you hitting a single.
I want to have a power like you as hitting a homerun.
I want to have a mind like you as concentrating to gain a strike out.
I want everything you have.......

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

#6 story

King Sejong and President Lincoln are thought of as great leaders in their own countries
Today we are going to talk about some of the Similarities between these two great men.

<King Sejong>

< Brief summary about King Sejong >
-Expanded and protected Korean territory
-Chose great generals.
-Fought Japanese pirates and 
    Manchurian nomads.
-Made changes to the military.
-Made Korea stronger and safer
< mistake of King Sejong >
-Though a Buddhist, he put limitations on the number of monks and temples.
-Some monks had to leave Seoul.
-Many people were unhappy with this.
< achievement of King Sejong>
-Created Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet.
-Helped the creation of many new inventions, like a farmers handbook, a water clock, and a sundial.
<Lasting effect>
-Tomb in Yeoju.
-Korean 10,000 won bill.

 <president Lincoln>

<brief summary of president Lincoln>
-Chose great generals.
-Convinced the parties to work together.
-Planned strategies that won the Civil War.
-Kept the U.S.A. from splitting apart.
<mistake of president Lincoln>
-Many people in the south made money from slavery. Lincoln wanted to end it.
<achievement of president Lincoln>
-Created schools
for farmers.
-Started the railway that connected bothsides of thecountry.
<Lasting effect>
-Monument in Washington
-American 5 dollar bill.
President Lincoln – “Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?
King Sejong – “If the people prosper, how can the king not prosper with them? And if the people do not prosper, how may the king prosper without them?”

King Sejong and President Lincoln have been gone for a long time but they will always be remembered by the people in their country.

#5 story


                                                                          hard, fast


                                                         Pitcher, defencer, runner, hitter


                                                                        thrill, shivery
